Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Mar 24, 10:28 EDT
Monitoring -
The site is now back up and usable. This was done using a backup taken on March 18th. If any user created or responded to any posts since then, they will not be up there and will need to be redone. This also includes and users that have been created since then.
Mar 21, 15:00 EDT
Update -
The repair and resolution of this access issue to the forums at is still ongoing by our Engineering team. We'll post another update here once we receive further information related to this incident.
Mar 20, 19:07 EDT
Update -
Our Engineering team is still working to restore the access of the forums at We'll continue to provide updates on this resolution and keep you informed on this progress. Thank You
Mar 20, 14:49 EDT
Update -
Our Engineers are continuing to work to resolve this issue that was identified with accessing the forum at during last nights maintenance window. They anticipate this should be resolved in the next 2 to 3 hours. We'll provide you with further updates once we receive additional information related to this.
Mar 20, 11:25 EDT
Update -
During a routine site maintenance we experienced the unexpected failure of a hardware component. We have isolated the issue and we are currently in the process of restoring from backup. This could take several hours. While the forums are impacted, the rest of the site is still available. We appreciate your patience and will have the forums restored as soon as possible.
Mar 20, 08:45 EDT
Update -
We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.
Mar 20, 08:10 EDT
Identified -
Our engineers are aware that the forums at are down stemming from a maintenance event and are currently working to get them back up.
Mar 20, 08:10 EDT